In order to visit the digital home independently, click the circles on the floor using your mouse or touchscreen. When you approach objects, icons will appear to offer information about them. If you wish to expand your knowledge, click on the icon!

Please note that at the entrance to each of the rooms a video will automatically open to introduce the room. In order to close the video, just click the –X in red.

You are always free to watch the video again by pressing the camera icon.

If you wish to watch the video with subtitles, you can click the icon in the window of the video.

The menu located on the right gives the option to switch directly between rooms. Similarly, the menu contains important links to sites and credits, for your use.

Did you Know?
David Ben-Gurion was 67 years old when he came to live in Kibbutz Sde-Boker
Did you know?
Ben-Gurion's Desert Home located on the first neighborhood of Kibbutz Sde-Boker
Did you know?
In Ben-Gurion's Desert Home there was an air-conditioner in every room as early as the 60's

Artifact of the month

ציור של דוד בן־גוריון עם מילותיו של יהודה ארז
Painting of David Ben-Gurion with the Words of Yehuda Erez

Painting of David Ben-Gurion with the Words of Yehuda Erez

A portrait of Ben-Gurion made of words taken from the essay “A Pictorial Record” by author Yehuda Erez. It is a work of art by artist Avraham Chavah, a Holocaust survivor whose work consisted mainly of micrography. Yehuda Erez was a pioneer, author, editor and researcher of the Avoda (Labor) Movement and the development of new localities inhabited by workers from the labor the Land of Israel. The essay opens with the line: “So much as a historic enterprise may be attributed to a single person, Ben-Gurion is arguably most deserving of the title ‘architect and maker of the Third Temple…”

Ben-Gurion Hosting

An animated video consisting of quotes by David Ben-Gurion, as he presents to his viewers in first person. 12 minutes

Who is a Leader?

This video presents leadership dilemmas and touches upon the complexity of his decisions and the costs demanded of a leader. 17min

The Bigger Picture

An animated video which tells of the life and vision of David Ben-Gurion, first prime minister of the State of Israel. 5 minuts
